Monday 19 March 2012

Spanish Wolves. Please take action

Please read this

The Senate passed the Iberian wolf hunting in the territory south of the Duero.
This species, as well as emblematic of our fauna, is in danger of extinction, so that their protection should be kept apart from other interests.
The animal, which in Spain was nearly wiped out in the 1970s, became a protected species in the 1980s. But their survival came at a cost: the sheep and cattle that serve as their food. And this fact has breeders up in arms.
There are another 22,000 sheep and cattle spreads in Castilla y León, representing nearly three million head of stock, according to figures provided by the senator for Ávila, Antolín Sanz, who underscores the importance of this sector for the regional economy.

In Spain, statistics relating to the damage caused by wolves are far from reliable and tend to be based on estimates or extrapolations. In 2010, 709 head of cattle died in Castilla y León, according to regional authorities, who estimated the cost at 202,395 euros. For their part, the unions UPA and COAG raise that figure to 500,000 euros and argue that 2,750 animals were killed by wolves. Neither the numbers nor the interests seem to match.

Read more:

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Thank you

Manunkind forever
waging war.
on anything moving,
soon there will be
no more.
and in his usual
he will wring his hands
at his own recompense.
Karen Lyons Kalmenson


  1. manunkind forever
    waging war.
    on anything moving,
    soon there will be
    no more.
    and in his usual
    he will wring his hands
    at his own recompense.

    1. True dear sis. Will post it in the blog xox
