Tuesday 13 March 2012

The killing of animals is not entertainment. Please send pre-written letter and sign petitions

Danish TV has been broadcasting entertainment programmes in which amateurs shoot animals for fun and then eat them.

In one programme, we follow a Danish female TV host who is the hunter and a Danish actor who is a cook. The programme is called "The wildest meal." The program takes place in Africa.

Among other things, we see her shoot a zebra and then the cook prepares a meal from it.
There are three species of zebras. One of them is critical endangered. As a non-expert, she has no prerequisites for knowing if she has in fact shot an endangered species.
She is a passionate hunter and is explicitly jubilant when she has shot an animal. Please watch the video here. It is in Danish but the pictures speak for themselves.

She claims that she only shoots the animals that she eats. Did she eat an elephant?
She has an elephant's head displayed as a trophy on her wall.
In the living room hangs a giant elephant’s head with its trunk raised on the wall along with trophies of large antelopes, and the coffee table is equipped with real giraffe legs.

In another programme, we follow two complete amateurs, showing a total lack of respect for animals. Once again, one of these shoots an animal while the other prepares a meal out of the animal. The programme is called "Kill and Eat"

Both amateuars seem to be a little drunk and several of the animals have only been wounded as opposed to shot.
At the start of the programme, they select an animal that is to be shot and if they do not manage to hit it, they instead shoot an animal pertaining to a category of animals that they refer to as  "loser" animals. For this purpose, a fox and a marten have suffered – both of which were subsequently eaten



See more pictures here

In Denmark, there are few predators left and they should not be eradicated in order to please a few Danes.

It is deeply unethical to portray the killing of wildlife “for fun” as entertainment.
If you, like I, think that it is reprehensible to broadcast such programmes, please sign petitions and send Danish letter.

Thank you very much.

Please send Danish letter to

Til rette vedkommende.
Med dette brev håber jeg på at kunne ændre Deres holdning til valg af underholdningsprogrammer.
I to nyere programmer er tilsigtet drab på dyr blevet skildret som underholdning. Det er dybt kritisabelt, at TV gør det acceptabelt at gå rundt og skyde dyr for sjov.
I et program med den forfærdelige og barbariske titel ”Nak og Æd” ser man to amatører udøve deres totale mangel på respekt for vilde dyr. Flere dyr er blevet skamskudt. To rovdyr, en ræv og en mår er blevet skudt og flået for åben skærm, hvorefter kokken har lavet et måltid ud af dem.
Det er dybt forkasteligt og uetisk, at disse amatører kan få lov til at skyde to af Danmarks få rovdyr, og at TV ukritisk – nærmest som en glorificering - skildrer det som underholdning.
I det andet program med titlen ”Det vildeste måltid” ser vi igen to amatører som henholdsvis jæger og kok. Denne gang går det ud over Afrikas dyreliv. Man ser blandt andet en zebra blive skudt og spist.
Jeg vil gøre opmærksom på, at der findes tre arter zebraer, hvoraf den ene er totalt fredet. De ligner hinanden meget, og kun professionelle kan se forskel på disse zebraer.
Da jægeren er amatør, har hun derfor ingen forudsætninger for at vide, om hun rent faktisk har skudt en truet dyreart.
Derudover sætter jeg også spørgsmålstegn ved hendes jagthandlinger. I hendes hjem hænger et elefanthoved som trofæ. Har hun selv skudt denne elefant, er det en kriminel handling, da elefanten er netop en truet dyreart.  
Hvis De gerne vil sende underholdningsudsendelser om dyr og jagt, beder jeg Dem sende nogle naturudsendelser lavet af professionelle. BBC har nogle gode og lærerige programmer, hvor der vises respekt for dyrene, og hvor jagt foregår inden for naturens egne love.
I håb om forståelse og respekt for dyrene takker jeg Dem for, at De ville bruge tid på dette brev.
Med venlig hilsen
Name, Country

There once was a world that killed animals for sport
the people gathered around and in great glee did
so badly comport
then one by one all species became endangered and
as manunkind decimated each other, soon noone was near:(
~Karen Lyons Kalmenson

Reply from DR (Danish TV) regarding their killing-animals-for-fun program "Kill and Eat":
"Thank you for your inquiry.
"Kill & Eat" is a public service television program that fits the reality which hunters and primitive people deals with daily. That there would be a hunting program solely created for entertainment or for fun is in no ways the case.
The two participants in the "Kill & Eat" are experts in their field. One is long-standing hunter with a valid hunting license and possess all the necessary permits. The other is highly trained chef, also with many years experience. That there would be amateurs are therefore also not the case.
We can also assure you that all laws, rules and ethical guidelines are respected to the letter in the programs. We could never dream of using animals in the programs, which in some ways is protected or endangered in the Danish countryside. The two predators you mention, the fox and marten, are allowed to be hunted in Denmark during the period 1 September - 31 January.
 We cannot comment on the considerations behind the program "The Wildest Meal" because this is produced by another company."


  1. there once was a world that killed animals for sport
    the people gathered around and in great glee did
    so badly comport
    then one by one all species became endangered and
    as manunkind decimated each other, soon noone was near
